Timeless is a new show starting in the fall of 2016. Personally, this looks like a show that I would totally get into. I like time travelling and the potential for alternate universes. It looks like some interesting twists are revealed in the trailer of the show. I will probably put this on my DVR and then wait until it gets to about 6 episodes before committing to actually watching it.
Why? Well, as I described in my explanation of why shows get “insta-cancelled” a show typically needs an automatically built in following or some mega star power to keep the audience from getting bored and giving up on it prematurely. I do not recognize anybody from the cast. The show is being created by the people who are responsible for Blacklist. That is an excellent show, but the connection wasn’t enough to save State of Affairs (and that had Katherine Heigl).
If Timeless was a Joss Whedon (now, not Firefly days Joss), Bad Robot (JJ Abrams), or Shonda Rhimes show I might have some hope for it. As it stands now, I see cancellation within the first six weeks and probably sooner.